Autumn Meeting 2000

November 23 & 24


Crown Plaza Hotel 
80 High Street, The Royal Mile,
Edinburgh EH1 1TH




Thursday 23rd November 2000


15.30 Committee Meeting.


17.30 Registration  Tea/Coffee


18.00 Guest Lecture – National Service Framework for diabetes –

        Professor Rhys Williams


19.00 Tutored Whisky tasting.


20.30 Association Dinner


Friday 24th November 2000


09.00   Debate: Infusion pumps have an important role to play in the management of insulin treated patients.

For:           David Kerr

Against:     John Day


10.30 Coffee


11.00 Clinical networking for diabetes: lessons from the DART Study –

        Ray Newton and Andrew Morris


11.45 Case presentations


12.30  Lunch.


13.45 ABCD Survey of hospital diabetes services –

        Peter Winocour


14.45 Disorders of calcium metabolism –

        David Heath


15.30 Tea


15.45 Diabetic neuropathy –

        Peter Watkins


16.30  Close of  Meeting     Tea/Coffee


Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th November, 2000

Optional Days in Edinburgh