Amsterdam Meeting 1999

25/26/27 November


Joint Meeting of ABCD with the Dutch Association for Diabetes Research


Amsterdam Hilton Hotel,

Apollolaan 1380-140

1077 BG Amsterdam

Tel :  0031 20 6780780

Fax : 0031 20 6626688




Thursday November 25th, 1999


2000 Drinks Reception and Dinner


Friday November 26th, 1999


0900 Debate:  The early detection of type 2 diabetes is an effective  strategy for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease

 For:  Professor R. Heine

 Against:  Dr. N. Wareham


1030 Coffee


1100 Thiazolidenes -  Dr. C. Tack


1145 Pathophysiology of Diabetic retinopathy - Dr. Eva Kohner


1230 Lunch


1330 Psychology and Diabetes - Dr. F. Snock


1415 Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes - Dr. Brian Frier


1530 Tea


1600 The organisation of Diabetes care in Holland and UK - Lessons for both?

In Holland: Dr. G. Nijpels;  In UK:  Dr. Bill Alexander


1730 Close of  Meeting


1800 Annual General Meeting of ABCD

 Chairman:  Dr. J.K. Wales


1900 Reception


2000 Conference Dinner


Saturday November 27th, 1999


Return to UK or Optional Day in Amsterdam returning to UK on Sunday, 28th November.