Spring Meeting 2004

May 20 & 21


The Manchester Marriott Airport Hotel

Hale Barns

WA15 8XW

Tel:0870 400 7271

Fax:0870 400 7371



Thursday 20th May 2004

15.00 - 16.30     Registration - Tea & Coffee

16.30 - 18.00     Annual General Meeting
                            Election of new committee members

18.00 - 19.00     The Clinical Excellence Awards Scheme -                   
                            Prof Sir Netar Mallick,
                            Medical Director ACCEA

20.00                   Association Reception and Dinner

Friday 21th May 2004

9.00 - 9.45    Presentation and management of male hypogonadism - Dr Fred Wu, Manchester Royal Infirmary

9.45 -10.30  Management of difficult diabetic neuropathy - Dr Solomon Tesfaye, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield

10.30 -11.00 Coffee

11-12.30  The ABCD Debate : Comprehensive measurement of microalbuminuria has no place in the routine care of type 2 diabetes

Proposing the motion:      - Dr Felix Burden, Birmingham         
Opposing the motion:       - Dr James Walker, Livingston

12.30-1.30  Lunch

1.30-2.30 Clinical Audit presentations

2.30-3.15 Current and future management of diabetic heart disease - Dr Clive Weston, Singleton Hospital, Swansea

3.15 - 4.00 Transitional care; 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' - Dr Peter Betts, Southampton

4 pm Tea and Close of Meeting