Spring Meeting 2003

8th & 9th May


Cardiff Thistle Hotel

Park Place

Cardiff CF10 3UD

Reception: 0870 333 9157

Fax: 0870 333 9257

 Email: Cardiff@Thistle.co.uk

Web: www.thistlehotels.com/cardiff




Thursday 8th May 2003


17.00.     Registration - Tea & Coffee


17.30.     Annual General Meeting


19.00      Speaker to be arranged


20.00      Association Reception and Dinner


Friday 9th May 2003


9.00    Debate: Glitazones represent a major advance in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


Proposing the motion:     - Prof Tony Barnett

Opposing the motion:      - Prof Edwin Gale


10.30     Coffee


11.00    Treating to Target in Type 2 diabetes

                                       - Prof. Hannelle Yki-Jarvinen


12.00     New approaches to treatment of erectile dysfunction in diabetes

                                        - Dr David Price


12.45     Lunch


14.00     Surgical treatment of obesity 

                                         - Mr Steve Pollard


14.45      Pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of phaeOchromocYtoma                                                                         

                                         - Dr Pierre Bouloux


15.30      Recent advances in hypolipidaemic therapy

                                          Dr Alan Rees


16.15      Close of meeting - Tea & Coffee