Spring Meeting 2002

16th & 17th May


Stratford Victoria Hotel

Arden Street,
Warwickshire, CV37 6QQ
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1789 271000/271001




Tuesday 16th May 2002


1700    REGISTRATION – Tea & Coffee


1730    Annual General Meeting


1900    Discussion:  Implications of the NSF for Diabetes Care

Led by Peter Winocour, Welwyn Garden City.


2000    Association Reception and Dinner



Friday 17th May 2002


0830  REGISTRATION – Tea & Coffee


0900  Debate:  Evidence based targets for control of diabetes are unrealistic in Clinical practice.

  For: Melanie Davies, Leicester.  Against: Bob Young, Salford.


1030    COFFEE 


1100    Diabetes and Renal Disease - Jitan Vora, Liverpool.


1145    UKPDS : Five years on - Rury Holman, Oxford.


1230    LUNCH


1345    Diabetes in the Elderly – Alan Sinclair, Birmingham.


1430    The Management of Hypopituitarism – Steve Shalet, Manchester.


1515    Diabetic Ketoacidosis – Sally Marshall, Newcastle.