Spring Meeting 2001


Copthorne Tara Hotel

Scarsdale Place


London, W8 5SR

Tel :  0171 937 7211




Thursday 10th May 2001


1400ABCD Trust meeting


1500ABCD Committee meeting


1700Registration and tea


1730Annual General Meeting


1900  ABCD lecture:  “Olympic diabetes” –    Dr Ian Gallen, Sir Steven Redgrave


2000          Drinks reception


2030  Association dinner


Friday 11th May 2001


0900  Debate:  “Current dietary advice is not     

          conducive to achieving optimal control of


For:  Dr Simon Heller (Sheffield)

Against:  Professor David Hadden (Belfast)


1030  Coffee


1100  Pancreas transplantation

      Dr Richard Smith (Bristol)


1145  Case presentations


1230  Lunch


1345  The Ladywood project:  implications for diabetes care 

Dr Sharon Jones/Dr Shiverdorayi Raghaven (Birmingham)


1430  Salt and hypertension

Professor Graham MacGregor (London)


1515  Diabetic microangiopathy:  Current concepts of pathogenesis

Professor John Tooke (Exeter)


1600  Tea and close