Spring Meeting 2000

13th & 14th April


Copthorne Tara Hotel

Scarsdale Place


London, W8 5SR

Tel :  0171 937 7211




Thursday 13th April, 2000


1730 Registration  Tea/Coffee


1830 ABCD Progress Report and Announcements - Chairman


1900 Guest Lecture: Planning the Specialist Workforce - Time to Grasp some Nettles
                 Professor Graham Winyard, Chairman, Speciality Workforce Planning Group.


2030 ABCD Reception and Dinner


Friday 14th April, 2000


0900 Debate:   Is it more important to lower blood pressure than blood cholesterol in diabetic patients?
 For:        Professor Gareth Beevers
 Against:  Professor Chris Byrne


1030 Coffee


1100 Vitreoretinal Surgery - Mr Paul Sullivan


1145 Case presentations - Management problems


1230 Lunch


1400 Thyroid Cancer - Dr John Lazarus


1445 Microalbuminuria - Dr Rudy Bilous


1530 Tea


1600 Modern Management of the Diabetic Foot
      Distal Revascularization - Ms Linda Hand
      Reconstructive Surgery - Mr Tim Goodacre


1700 Close of  Meeting     Tea/Coffee