

Tour of your SharePoint team Web site

By default, your team Web site includes predefined pages that you can use to work with your team. 

The top link bar, which is displayed on every page in your team Web site, contains hyperlinks to each of these pages: 

top navigation bar

Your team Web site contains the following predefined pages:


The Home hyperlink on the top link bar links to the home page of your team Web site. The home page displays the Quick Launch bar, views of the Announcements, Events, and Links lists, and the name and description of your team Web site.

Quick Launch

Quick Launch link bar

The Quick Launch bar contains hyperlinks to specific pages on your team Web site.

When you add a list, document library, discussion board, or survey to your team Web site, a hyperlink to it is added to the Quick Launch bar by default. The Quick Launch bar also includes a search form for finding documents that are stored in document libraries in your team Web site.

Name and description

The name and description you supply when you create your team Web site are displayed on the home page.


The five most recent announcements in the Announcements list are displayed on the home page by default. When you create your team Web site, a built-in announcement is displayed. You can edit or delete this as desired.


When you create your team Web site, this list is empty. You can add your team's events to the list.


When you create your team Web site, this list is empty. You can add to this list hyperlinks that go to your team's favorite Web pages.


The Documents hyperlink on the top link bar links to the Document Libraries page of your team Web site. By default, a document library named Shared Documents is included in your team Web site. You can use this library or create your own libraries to store your team's documents.

Discussion Board

The Discussion Boards hyperlink on the top link bar links to the Discussion Boards page of your team Web site. By default, a discussion board named General Discussion is included in your team Web site. You can use this board or create your own boards to hold newsgroup-style discussions with your team.


The Lists hyperlink on the top link bar links to a page that displays all the lists and surveys currently in your team Web site. By default, the following lists are included in your team Web site: Announcements, Contacts, Events, Tasks, and Links. You can use these lists and create your own lists to share information with your team. You can also create surveys to poll your team.


The Create hyperlink on the top link bar links to a page that enables you to create new components in your team Web site. By using this page, you can create a list that is like any of the built-in lists, create a custom list, use an existing spreadsheet as the basis of a list, create a new document library or discussion board, or create a survey.

Site Settings

The Site Settings hyperlink on the top link bar links to a page that enables you to make team Web site-wide settings. By using this page, you can change the name and description of your team Web site, modify site content, and perform administrative tasks, such as changing personal settings or setting up new team members to join the team Web site. You must have the Administrator role to perform administrative tasks.


The Help hyperlink on the top link bar links to a Help Web site that is installed on the computer that is running SharePoint Team Services.

Team Web site pages

The pages in your team Web site display data for your team. The data is displayed in rows and columns, with a series of commands across the top and a selection of views to choose from.

Command bar and view bar

1  Command bar

2  View bar

Command bar

The command bar provides hyperlinks to pages that contain forms for adding and editing items in the lists, document library, and discussion board. There are also commands for subscribing to be notified of changes to the content, modifying settings, and more.

View bar

Some pages, such as the one that displays the Tasks list, provide a selection of views so that you can see the data in various ways.

A default view of the data is the view that automatically appears when you follow a hyperlink to the page — for example, when you click Tasks on the Quick Launch bar. The default view is marked by an indicator Current view in the view bar; you can see other views by clicking their names in the view bar.