
How do I ... Create or customize pages

Display sorted or filtered items

About views

Views make it quick and easy to see list information in a variety of ways. Besides using views in lists (such as Announcements, Contacts, and so on), you can use them in document libraries and discussion boards

When you create a view, a hyperlink that displays the view is added to the view bar on the page that displays the list. An indicator Current view marks the active view, as shown:

View bar

You can create as many views as you want for any list, document library, or discussion board. When you create a view, all the members of your team can use it. 

You can create custom views to do one or a combination of the following:

  • Filter by a set of criteria
  • Sort in a particular order
  • Hide or show columns

For example, rather than applying the same filter every time you go to a particular list, you can create a view that stores the filter. Then, to see the filtered information, you click the hyperlink that displays the view you created. You can even make your new view the default view, so that when team members go to the page that displays a list, they automatically see the filtered information.

You can display sorted or filtered items by storing the criteria for the sort or filter in a custom view.

  1. On the page that displays the list, document library, or discussion board, click Modify settings and columns.
  2. Under Views, edit an existing view or create a new one:

    • To edit an existing view, click its name in the View (click to edit) column.
    • To create a new view, click Create a new view, then in the Name section, type a name for the view. If you want the new view to be the default view, select the Make this the default view check box.
  3. Do one of the following:

    Display sorted items

    • In the Sort section, select up to two columns for a primary and secondary sort.

      For example, if you sort by Created By and then by Title, items in the list are shown in alphabetical order by author name. If an author has more than one item, titles for that author are also shown in alphabetical order.

      1. In the First sort by the column box, click the column that determines the primary sort of the list (for example, Created By, Title, Due Date).
      2. Select the sort order:
        • To sort alphabetically from A to Z or numerically from the smallest to the largest value, click Show items in ascending order.
        • To sort alphabetically from Z to A or numerically from the largest to the smallest value, click Show items in descending order.
      3. If you want to sort items further, in the Then sort by the column box, click the column that determines the secondary sort; then repeat step 2.
    Display filtered items
    1. In the Filter section, click Show items only when the following is true.
    2. Complete the Show the items when column statement. For example, to display only those items created by Jeff Smith after June 11, 2001, the statement would read, "Show the items when column Created By is equal to Jeff Smith, and when column Created is greater than 6/11/2001."
      1. In the list of column titles, click the column you want to use to filter the list (for example, Created By, Title, Due Date).
      2. In the list of phrases, click a phrase that expresses a comparison you want to make (for example, is equal to, is not equal to, is greater than or equal to).
      3. In the blank text box, type a value for the column you selected in step 1.

        Note   To filter items based on the team member's name, type [Me] as the value for columns that store names (such as Created By, Modified By). To filter items based on the current date, type [Today] as the value for columns that store dates (such as Created, Modified).

      4. If you want to filter items further, click And or Or, and then repeat steps 1 through 3 under When column.
        • If you want to narrow the filter to items that must fit both criteria, click And.
        • If you want to widen the filter to items that fit either criterion, click Or.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click OK.