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Set up a template for a document library

About templates for document libraries

You can establish consistency among the documents in a document library by specifying a file to use as a template for the library.

The template will open when team members click the New Document command on the page that displays the document library. The template is also available to users of a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program. For example, in Microsoft Office XP the template is available in the New from Templates on my Web Sites dialog box.

Templates for document libraries can be in any file format that a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program can open (.doc, .xls, and so on). However, there are advantages to using a Web-based file format (.htm or .mht) for a template:

  • Team members don't need to have the appropriate client program installed to read a document that's based on a Web page (.htm) or Web archive (.mht).
  • Using the Web Discussions feature, you can attach threaded discussions within a document that's based on a Web page or Web archive.

Note   The template for your document library must be stored in your SharePoint team Web site, although it doesn't need to be in the document library that uses it.

When you first create a document library, you can set up a blank template that runs the appropriate program when a user clicks New Document on the document library page. Later, if you have a file in your SharePoint team Web site that you want to use as a template, you can modify the document library to specify it as a template.

Do one of the following:

Set up a template when you create a document library
  1. Create a document library.
    1. In the top link bar, click Create.
    2. On the Create Page page, click Document Library.
    3. In the Name box, type a name for the list. This field is required.
    4. In the Description box, type text that describes the purpose of the library. This field is optional.
    5. If you want a particular program to run when users create a new documents in this library, select the type of blank document in the Template Type box.
    6. Under Navigation, if you want a link to this list to appear on the Quick Launch bar, click Yes.
    7. Click Create.
  2. If you want to customize the blank template, open and edit it.
    1. On the page that displays the document library, click Modify settings and columns.
    2. Under General Settings, in the Template row, click Edit Template.
    3. Customize the file as desired, and then save it.

    Note   If you customize the template after documents have been added to the document library, changes to the template are not reflected in the existing documents.

Modify a document library to use an existing file as a template
  1. Go to the document library that you want to modify.
    1. On the top link bar, click Documents.
    2. Click the name of the document library you want.
  2. Click Modify settings and columns.
  3. In the General Settings section, click Change general settings.
  4. In the Document Template section, in the Template URL box, type the Web address of the file you want to use as a template. The file must be in the current team Web site.