
How do I ... Contribute to the SharePoint team Web site

Respond to a survey

About surveys

Surveys provide a way of polling team members. If your team Web site includes a survey, you can go to it by clicking Lists in the top link bar and then selecting the survey on the Lists page. You can also click the name of the survey on the Quick Launch bar (unless the person who created the survey chose not to display a hyperlink to the survey).

You may be able to respond to a survey more than once, depending on how the survey is set up.

If the survey is set up so that respondents' names are visible, the All Responses view enables you to see how each team member responded. The Graphical Summary view displays a compilation of responses.

  1. On the top link bar, click Lists.
  2. On the Lists page, click the name of the survey.
  3. At the top of the survey, click Respond to this survey.
  4. Answer the survey questions by filling out the form.
  5. If you want to save the response, click Save and Close.

    If you want to cancel creating the response, click Go back to survey.

To see the results of the survey

Do one of the following:

See a compilation of responses
  • On the page that displays the survey, under Select a View, click Graphical Summary.
See how others responded
  1. On the page that displays the survey, under Select a View, click All Responses.
  2. Click View Response #n next to the name of the respondent.

Note   The person who created the survey may have specified that respondents' names are not visible in the survey results.