
How do I ... Contribute to the SharePoint team Web site

Copy information between your SharePoint team Web site and your calendar or address book

You can copy contacts from your address book to the Contacts list in your team Web site, and you can copy items from the Contacts and Events lists to your own address book and calendar.

Note   To copy events or contacts from your team Web site, you must have a calendar or address book, such as Outlook 2000, that supports iCalendar or vCard files. To copy contacts from your address book to the Contacts list, you must have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible address book, such as Microsoft Outlook 2002, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.

Do one of the following:

Copy contacts from your address book to the Contacts list
  1. On the the top link bar, click Lists.
  2. On the Lists page, click Contacts.
  3. On the Contacts page, click Import.
  4. If you are prompted for a profile, click the user profile you want to use.
  5. In the Show names from the box, click the address book you want.
  6. In the Name box, click the names you want, and then click Add.
Copy items from the Contacts list to your address book
  1. On the the top link bar, click Lists.
  2. On the Lists page, click Contacts.
  3. On the Contacts page, click the name of the contact you want to copy.
  4. Click Export Contact, and open the file from its current location.
Copy items from the Events list to your calendar
Note   To copy events or contacts from your team Web site, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed.
  1. On the the top link bar, click Lists.
  2. On the Lists page, click Events.
  3. On the Events page, click the name of the event you want to copy.
  4. Click Export Event, and open the file from its current location.