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Filter items

About filtering

A filtered list, document library, or discussion board displays only the rows that meet the criteria you specify for a column. Unlike sorting, filtering does not rearrange the items. Filtering hides rows you do not want displayed.


1 Apply a filter in the current view.

2 Switch to a view that displays filtered items.

There are two ways to filter items:

Apply a filter

You can quickly filter a list when you view the list in your Web browser. To filter items this way, you select the value you want for a particular column.

Define a view

You can set up a view that displays the filtered items. When you define the view, you specify conditions that include or exclude one or more of the following:

  • Specific values
  • A range of values
  • A variable, such as the current user or the current day

To filter items this way, you click a hyperlink to display the view.

Do one of the following:

Apply a filter
  1. Above the list, document library, or discussion board, click Filter.
  2. Find the column you want to use for the filter.

    Note   If you decide to cancel applying the filter, click Hide Filter Choices.

  3. In the box above the title of the column, click the value that you want to restrict the view to.

    A filter icon Filter appears next to the title of the column, indicating that a filter is applied.

  4. If you want to filter the items further, click Change Filter, and repeat steps 2 and 3.
Turn filtering off
  1. Above the list, document library, or discussion board, click Change Filter.
  2. In the box in the column being used for the filter, click (All).