
How do I ... Contribute to the SharePoint team Web site

Send a document for review

  1. On the top link bar, click Documents, and then click the name of the document library that contains the document you want reviewed.
  2. In the row where the name of the document appears, click Edit Edit.
  3. Click Send for Review.

    Note   If a reviewer doesn't have access to the document library, you can attach a copy of the document to the e-mail message by clicking Yes when SharePoint Team Services prompts you to attach the file.

  4. If you are prompted for a profile, click the user profile you want to use.

    Your e-mail program opens a default message with a hyperlink and, optionally, an attachment to the document.

  5. Type the reviewer's e-mail name in the To box, and, optionally, add your own text to the default message.
  6. Click Send.