
How do I ... Contribute to the SharePoint team Web site

Copy a SharePoint Team Services list to a spreadsheet

You can copy lists from your SharePoint team Web site into a SharePoint Team Services-compatible spreadsheet program. For example, if you export a list to Microsoft Excel 2002, you can create PivotTables and charts to analyze the information or apply text formatting. In Excel, the exported list is a Web Query that stays updated with changes to the original list in your team Web site.

Note   You can also export the results of a survey to a spreadsheet program.

  1. Go to the page that displays the list you want to export.
    1. On the top link bar, click Lists.
    2. Click the list or survey you want to export.
  2. At the top of the list, click Export, or at the top of the survey, click Export Results to a Spreadsheet, and then open the file from its current location.