

About sorting

When you sort a list, document library, or discussion board,  SharePoint Team Services rearranges rows according to the contents of the column you choose. Sorting in ascending order arranges the rows alphanumerically from 0 to 9, A to Z, oldest to most recent. Sorting in descending order arranges the rows from 9 to 0, Z to A, most recent to oldest.

Two ways to sort items

1 Sort items in the current view.

2 Switch to a view that displays sorted items.

There are two ways to sort items.

Apply a sort order

You can quickly sort items when you view the list, document library, or discussion board in your Web browser. To sort items this way, you click the name of a column.

Define a view

You can set up a view that displays the sorted items. When you define the view, you specify up to two columns to sort the items. The items are first sorted by the column you define as the primary sort. To sort this way, you click a hyperlink to display the view.