

About roles and rights

When you join a SharePoint team Web site, you are assigned to a role that governs the rights you have in the team Web site. By default, rights are organized in the following roles, where each role includes the rights of the role that precedes it:

Advanced Author
  • View lists, document libraries, and discussion boards in the team Web site
  • Participate in discussions
  • Subscribe
  • Add, edit, and delete items in lists
  • Add, edit, and delete files in document libraries
  • Respond to surveys
  • Create, modify, and remove lists, document libraries, discussion boards, and surveys
  • Modify a team Web site using a SharePoint Team Services-compatible Web page editor, such as Microsoft FrontPage
  • Create, rename, and remove team Web site
  • Add new users
  • Configure roles and rights

The rights are hierarchical. For example, if you have the right to create document libraries, you also have the right to add files to document libraries.

The administrator of your team Web site can organize the rights into different roles or create new roles to organize rights in a customized manner.