

Your SharePoint team Web site has predefined pages that you can fill out with information for your team.

To add your own information:

  1. On the home page, under Quick Launch, click a link to go to one of the predefined pages. Or, click the name of one of the lists displayed on the home page: Announcements, Events, Links.
  2. Click New Item, fill out the form, and then click Save and Close.

    Note   Instead of New Item, on the General Discussion page, click New Discussion. On the Shared Documents page, click New Document or Upload Document.

  3. Click New Item again to continue adding new items.

The preceding steps apply to any of the following predefined pages:


Broadcast the latest information to your team. A view of the Announcements list is displayed on the home page of your team Web site.


Post information about upcoming meetings, conferences, or other events for your team. A view of the Events list is displayed on the home page of your team Web site.


Display a list of hyperlinks to Web pages of interest to team members. A view of the Links list is displayed on the home page of your team Web site.

Shared Documents

Store your own files on your team Web site.

  • If the file already exists, click Upload Document, click Browse to locate the file on your hard disk or network, and then complete the form.

  • If you want to create a new file, click New Document, and then create the file using a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program, such as Microsoft Word 2002. Save it as a Web page in Shared Documents.

    Note   To create a document by using the New Document command, you must have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program, such as Microsoft Office XP, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed.

A hyperlink to Shared Documents is displayed on the Quick Launch bar.

General Discussion

Post topics that team members can reply to. The resulting threaded discussions provide an archive of your team's decision-making processes throughout the life of a project. A hyperlink to General Discussion is displayed on the Quick Launch bar.


Share telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other contact information for people who work with your team, such as vendors, clients, and consultants. A hyperlink to the Contacts list is displayed on the Quick Launch bar.


Organize your team's to-do items by assigning them to team members, prioritizing items, and keeping track of progress. A hyperlink to the Tasks list is displayed on the Quick Launch bar.

Going further

Once your team is familiar with the team Web site, you may want to customize the site by doing one or more of the following:

View information in different ways

As team members add information to the team Web site, you can view the information in several ways. On any of the predefined pages where the list of information appears you can do the following:

  • Click the title of a column to sort information by that column.
  • Click Filter to see information based on a set of criteria.
  • Click Export to view the list in spreadsheet, where you can use the spreadsheet program's features for analyzing and displaying the information.

    Note   To export a list from your team Web site, you must have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel 2002, installed.

  • Click a link under Select a View to see information in a view that has been defined for that list.
  • Click Subscribe to receive an e-mail notification when content on the team Web site changes.
Modify the predefined pages

If the list in a predefined page doesn't exactly meet your needs, you can modify it by changing its name or description, or by adding or removing a column.

  1. On any of the predefined pages where the list of information appears, click Modify settings and columns.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To change the name or description, under General Settings, click Change general settings, and modify the Name or Description fields.
    • To delete a column, under Columns, click the name of the column, and then click Delete.
    • To add a column, under Columns, click Add a new column, and then fill out the form.
Create your own pages

You can create your own pages based on the predefined pages, or create a custom-designed page.

  1. On the top link bar, click Create.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a page based on the predefined pages, click one of the following: Document Library (creates a page like Shared Documents), Links, Announcements, Team Contacts, Events, Tasks, Discussion Board (creates a page like General Discussion).
    • To create a survey, click Survey. You formulate questions that team members respond to when they visit the team Web site.
    • To create a custom list from scratch, click Custom List. You specify the columns for information you want to store.
    • To create a custom list by using an existing spreadsheet, click Import Spreadsheet.

      Note   To create a list based on a spreadsheet, you must have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel 2002, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later installed.