

About sending a file for review

You can use the Send for Review command in document libraries to send a file for others to review. When you send a file for review, a review request form is created automatically with a hyperlink to the file and message text for reviewers.

Note   If a reviewer doesn't have access to the document library, you can attach a copy of the document to the e-mail message. The reviewer reviews the document and then returns it to you as an e-mail attachment.

When reviewers follow the link, the document opens in their Web browser. If reviewers have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later and a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program, they can use the Web discussion feature to review the document by using the Web Discussions toolbar in Internet Explorer. For example, when a user of Microsoft Office XP follows the hyperlink in the review request e-mail message, the Web Discussion toolbar automatically includes a Reply with changes command to notify the requester that the reviewer is finished.

If reviewers have a Web browser other than Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, or if they do not have a SharePoint Team Services-compatible client program, they can review the document by using the Discuss a Document feature on the Discussion Boards page of your SharePoint team Web site. In this case, the reviewer responds manually to the review request e-mail message to notify the requester that the reviewer is finished.

Note   Reviewers must have access to your team Web site to use the Discuss a Document feature.