Autumn Meeting 2007

November 1 - 2

Hotel Russell
Russell Square
London, WC1B 5BE
This is a back to back meeting with the British Thyroid Association which is on November 1.  The meeting will be followed by an SpR meeting - November 2-3

Closing date for submission of abstracts for this meeting is

September 28, 2007

MAP                                               BOOKING FORM


Thursday 1st November 2007

20.00 Reception and dinner

Friday 2nd November 2007

9-9.45 : Current and future status of islet cell replacement strategies
Dr James Shaw , Senior Lecturer , University of Newcastle

9.45-10.30: Early effective treatment of type 2 diabetes
Professor Rury Holman , Professor of Diabetic Medicine , OCDEM, University of Oxford

10.30-11.00: Tea , Coffee and Posters

11.00-12.30: The ABCD debate :
The QuoF for Diabetes is the most important advance in diabetes care in the UK over the last decade.
Proposed : Dr Kamlesh Khunti , Senior Lecturer, University of Leicester
Opposed: Professor David Matthews, Professor of Diabetes, OCDEM, University of Oxford

12.30-1.30: Lunch and Posters

1.30-2.15: The highs and lows of commissioning a diabetes service.
Peter Bowker, Diabetes Network Manager, Hull & East Ridings PCT & Scarborough PCT

2.15-3.00: Role of the RAAS in treatment selection and target attainment in hypertensive diabetes
Professor Morris Brown , Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Cambridge

3.00-3.30 : Tea , Coffee and Posters

3.30-4.15: Controversies in the management of paediatric diabetes
Dr Fiona Campbell , Consultant Paediatrician, St James University Hospital , Leeds.

4.15-5.00: Provision of diabetes care for ethnic minorities in the UK– A special case?
Dr Tahseen Chowdhury , Consultant Physician, The Royal London Hospital

5.00 : Close of meeting.