Autumn Meeting 2006

November 1 - 2

Hotel Russell
Russell Square
London, WC1B 5BE

This was a back to back meeting with the British Thyroid Association.  The meeting was followed by an SpR meeting - November 2-3


Wednesday 1st November

6-8.00 pm: Registration

8.00pm: Reception and dinner

Thursday 2nd November
9-9.45: Androgen replacement therapy should be considered in management of men with type 2 diabetes.
Professor Hugh Jones, Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Barnsley Hospital


9.45-10.30: The contribution of  specialist services to integrated diabetes care –The GP perspective.

Dr Martin Hadley Brown , GP and Chair of PCDUK,, Norfolk


10.30-11 Tea Coffee and Posters

11-12.30: The ABCD Debate – Diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome adds nothing to the care of patients with or at risk of type 2 diabetes and CVD

Proposed by: Professor Edwin Gale , Professor of Diabetes, University of Bristol

Opposed by: Professor George Alberti, Senior research Fellow, Imperial College , London


12.30-1.30: Lunch and Posters


1.30-2.00: ABCD SpR training award winners 2005:


Role of small fibre neuropathy and
microvascular hyperaemia in
wound healing in diabetes.

Dr  Singhan Krishnan , SpR , Ipswich


Adipose tissue and insulin
resistance: culprit or victim?

Dr Garry Tan, SpR , Nottingham


2-2.45 : All you ever wanted to know about Coeliac disease but were afraid to ask !

Dr Peter Watson, Senior Lecturer, University of Belfast


2.45-3.15: Tea Coffee Posters


3.15-4 : : Screening for Diabetes –who, when, how and if ?

Dr Simon Griffin , MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge


4-4.45: Impact of medical therapies on diabetic retinopathy.

Dr Paul Dodson, Consultant Physician, Heart of England Foundation NHS trust.


4.45 : Close of meeting