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Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

ABCD Endobarrier Studies - The End-OSA Study

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The End-OSA Study
What is Endobarrier?
Effectiveness of Endobarrier - previous trials
What is the End-OSA study?
Trial Registry details of End-OSA study
Progress of the End-OSA study
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
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Exclusion Criteria (none of these should apply):

• abnormal intestinal anatomy
• contraindication to oesophagogastroduoenoscopy
• previous bariatric surgery or bowel surgery
• active infection
• anticoagulation therapy
• coagulopathy INR >1.3
• estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) <30
• known portal hypertension
• uncontrolled cardiovascular disease
• lactating or pregnant females
• excess anaesthetic risk
• patients taking aspirin with active ischaemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disease



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